Formaldehyde is a known cancer-causing agent. It damages the neurological connectors in the body. You may know it as the embalming fluid used for the deceased. It is used in plastic food containers and sandwich bags. It is also an eye, nose, throat and lung irritant. Exposure can cause burning or watery eyes, skin reactions, ear infections, headaches, depression, asthma, join pain, dizziness, mental confusion, nausea, disorientation, phlebitis, fatigue, vomiting, sleep disturbances, or laryngitis. Formaldehyde is commonly found in drugs, mouthwash, hairspray, cosmetics, cleaning products, perfumes, shampoo, air fresheners, toothpaste, laundry spray starch, antiperspirants, and more. P
Phenol is an extremely caustic chemical that can cause central nervous system damage, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, heart-rate irregularities, kidney and liver damage, numbness, vomiting, and can be fatal in some cases. It is commonly found in air fresheners, hairspray, mouthwash, aspirin, solvents, acne medications, cleaning products, detergent, furniture polish, all-purpose cleaners, cosmetics, and more. (Sources: Toxic Household Chemical Facts and Statistics by Karen Hanrahan, 2009; various internet websites)
If you use any of the following traditional commercial cleaners, you're exposing yourself to toxic household chemicals:
- air fresheners
- bleach
- carpet shampoo
- upholstery shampoo
- dishwasher detergent
- drain cleaners
- furniture polish
- mold and mildew cleaners
- oven cleaners
- dishwashing liquid
- antibacterial cleaners
- laundry detergent
- laundry stain removers
- fabric softeners
- dryer sheets
- toilet bowl cleaners
- bathroom tub and tile cleaners
- and many many more
Toxic household chemicals can be found in every organ of your body in just 26 seconds after exposure. They are stored in your body’s fat cells for long periods of time causing long-term damage. (Source: Environmental Protection Agency)
Chemical exposure has many consequences.
- Autism rates are now 1 in 88 and the rates are rising. Although there is no one known cause of Autism, it is thought that one of the causes may be environmental (such as exposure to chemicals-both inside the house and out).
- Today, Children have chemical exposures from birth that their parents didn’t have until they were adults. Because children are exposed to toxins at an earlier age then adults, they have more time to develop environmentally triggered diseases and disorders such as asthma, cancer, autism and ADHD. (Source: Environmental Policy and Children’s Health, Future of Children, 1995)
- Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment. Only a fraction of these have actually been tested for human toxicity (Source: Raising Children Toxic Free, Herbert Needleman, MD, Philip J Landrigan, MD)
- At least 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. (Source: Consumer Protection Agency)
- Out of 2,435 pesticide poisonings reported in a one-year period, over 40% were due to exposure to disinfectants and similar cleaning products in the home. (Source: State of California Study)
Start small. Take baby steps. Work to protect yourself, your family, your pets, and your friends.
The Norwex mission is to "improve quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning."
Educate yourself about what you're exposing your body, your children, and your pets to. Make small changes; even small changes will have an impact!
As always, feel free to contact me with questions regarding any Norwex product. You can shop online by clicking Shop Online above, or directly from my website at If you'd like to receive my newsletter with Norwex specials, please fill out the contact form here If you would like to schedule a party, discuss career opportunities at Norwex, or have any questions about our products, I invite you to send me a message here
Thank you Amanda Theys for compiling the bulk of this information!
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